Frequently asked questions

What Bot-Modes does Hunt2 offer?
  • Levelbot: Killing monsters around you to farm EXP
  • Farmbot: Walk along recorded tracks to farm Metins, Bosses or Ores
  • Fishbot: Catch Fishes automatically
  • Shopbot (coming soon): Auto-open or scan Shops and sell/buy your Items
  • Crystal-Farming (coming soon): Buy knifes from the Weapon Dealer and exchange them at the Alchemist for Shards and Energy Crystals
How can I use Hunt2?

A Tutorial can be found here: Click

If you have some more issues while using it, please ask them in the Hunt2 Discord Channel.

On what Servers does Hunt2 currently work?
  • All Gameforge Servers: EN, TR, DE, RO, PL, etc.
  • SG (Singapore) Server

P-Servers/PVP-Servers are currently not supported. Support for these might be added in the future, but this would still take a few months, since we want to finish adding all planned features to Hunt2 first.

How can I prevent Bans / Red Bar Bans?
  • The red bar can happen if either your IP is blocked, or your account is blocked, in the second case its another type of account ban:
    • if the reason is the IP, just change the IP to a new, non-blocked IP and try it with a new account to make sure it works
    • If the reason is the account, you can try to unban it using the support, maybe you are lucky
  • Regardless of this, it is important not to login again with a fresh Account using an IP that already received a red ban, since then it can be linked to the old account.
  • We are not 100% sure yet what causes account bans (red bar): theories are that its related to one of these possibilities:
    • IP: to many accounts using the same IP at the same time for botting
    • Features: maybe using some feature too extreme while botting could trigger this type of ban, here my theories would be: waitdmg, mobpull, rangepickup, teleport, wallhack or walk/attackspeed

We are also doing tests on our own to check whats going on here of course. If you have some new test results or information, feel free to share it on our Discord.

What other features can Hunt2 provide?
  • Minimap: Using the interactive Minimap, you can move anywhere you want
  • Damage: Select between WaitDMG and Monster Pulling
  • Settings: Load different Settings at different Levels. Using this you can change Location or other settings based on the character level
  • Shop/Merchant: Sell your farmed Items at the Merchant and buy Potions if needed
  • EQ: Auto-Equip Young Hero Weapons or Weapons/EQ with highest Stats from your Inventory
  • Expert-EQ (coming soon): Automatically buy weapons from weapon dealer and upgrade the
  • Pickup: Itemfilter, Rangepickup and more
  • Safety: You can decide what happens when other players or GMs appear: Close Hunt2, Stop Hunt2 or stand around and wait. You can also set an alarm sound.
  • Alchemy (coming soon): Obtain the Alchemy Quest and farm cors automatically
  • Alchemy Storage and Refine (coming soon): Auto-refine your Alchemy and put your Cors automatically in Storage
  • Developers (coming soon): Write your own Python Scripts and Hunt2 will auto-execute them

And many more small features that help to improve your M2 experience!

I have a problem with Hunt2, how can I solve it?

Please describe your issue in the Hunt2 Discord Channel.

If you have a problem with the M2 Login on GF Servers, refer to the last question here in this FAQ.

What do the different GF Login Features mean?

Hunt2 currently supports multiple Login methods for GF Servers:

  • Manual Mode: You need to start the Game yourself, Hunt2 will just wait for the Game process to appear
  • Direct GF Login Mode: With this, Hunt2 will automaticaly Login without opening the GF client (Info: If this doesnt work, maybe your IP is blocked).
  • GF Client Makro Mode: Hunt2 will open the GF Client and simulate mouse clicks to start the Game
I get a Virus alert when downloading or starting Hunt2, what should I do?

If this happens, you must whitelist the Hunt2 folder. Sometimes Windows Defender can cause false-positive detections here. If your Error comes from the Download, you need to disable the virus file checking from Google Chrome (or use Firefox, there you can right-click the file and select allow download).